Vespas with Liver Spots in Sicily

June 30, 2012

My Mister recalls visiting Rome as a kid: “Nothin’ but Vespas and busses on the roads.”

You can still find Vespas from that era on the roads in Sicily.

Faded memories.

Antidote to modernity.

Like old lace.

An Antonioni film.

Life in the past lane.


Old Yellow Vespa in Sicily, copyright Jann Huizenga

Old Green Vespa in Sicily, copyright Jann Huizenga

Old Rusty Vespa in Sicily, copyright Jann Huizenga

Rusty White Vespa in Sicily, copyright Jann Huizenga

Old Vespas in Sicily, copyright Jann Huizenga

Are you a fast lane or past lane person?


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20 comments to Vespas with Liver Spots in Sicily

  • Jann, I have loved Vespas since they first time I saw one. I was seven years old! I still do. To me, they symbolize youth, a rebel spirit, and adventure! hee hee! I love these captures. I am most definitely a past lane person. I miss some things from the past. I really do. Thankfully, Spain is still full of Vespas! ha! 🙂

  • they match the buildings…love the classic style and faded va va va voom! ciao lisa x

  • Maybe the models are from the past lane but those colours are pretty much of the fast lane! These babies look a little roomier than the newer sleeker versions; much better suited to a bit of middle-aged spread, I think. I bet you could find a portabana to match every one!

  • Beautiful colours Jann. Just gorgeous images. I’ve never ridden a Vespa but they turn my head in Italy all the time. And the older the better…. Like visible memories. I saw many parked around Perugia for instance, strategically outside a bar or business. Italians get the charm too. Jxxx

  • John Schinina

    Hi Jann, My apology for my terrible spelling and also grammer, I was told by my very knowledgeable sister,who by the way knows everything that I should hire a proof reader before sending a comment. Once again love your blog

    • Jann

      John, you’re such a sweetie–absolutely no worries–sometimes I fix typos in comments if I see them, but everybody makes them, including me! LOVE YOUR COMMENTS!!!! 🙂

  • Andrea

    I love the photos! I would have never driven when I was in Italy – not even a Vespa. Just trying to cross a street with Vespas whizzing by was too much to take!

    By the way, can you fix the post with the photos of the Italian men? I couldn’t see the other photos. Can you repost it and post the photos separately instead of as a slide show? Per favore??? pretty please?? Con sucre on top?? Grazie.

  • –I’d love to know who owed those bikes. Perhaps Fellini & Sophia Loren.

    Oooo, I loooove her.

    Great photos, Jann.

    I was taking a week off, but I MUST read your posts.

    So There! Xxx

  • John Schinina

    Ciao Jann, I drove from Venice to Siena,Florence,Rome,Pompei,Naples,Sorrento and the Amalfi Coast, loved and enjoyed every mile. It was safe and fun and my next trip will be on the oposite coast including my favorite, Sicily and home to Ragusa, I can’t wait. Your last comment was on the money (eating-speed demons) however I found in my travel that Italians also have a courtesy side too them.

    • Jann

      I’m glad you lived to tell the tale of your trip around Italy, John! 🙂 No, seriously, I love driving around in Sicily, though it scared me a bit at first. In Italy, you gotta be hyper-alert, and hesitating is not allowed.

  • Cathy

    Ha! The thought of driving in Italy terrifies me Jann… I can only see it happening if I was staying waaaaay out in the country somewhere and only drove to the train station to go see the sites of the cities 🙂 But that’s nothing against Italy per se, I would shy away from driving in ANY large city anywhere in the world… I’m always ready to travel most anywhere, as long as someone else in the know is doing the driving!

    • Jann

      Cathy, it takes a while to get into the mindset of the Italian driver (Grand Prix driving is exciting!), but until then being behind the wheel is a pretty scary thing. (Staying off highways helps a lot. I now loooooove driving on the little country roads in Sicily–they’re pretty deserted.)

  • I’m a person on a past lane , but living looking at the present..
    In Sicily it’s difficult to be fast lane people…..we are genetically and historically facing/living on past lane,sometimes. ..
    and it’s not so bad!
    buona giornata!

  • Sam

    The fast lane is the ONLY lane when driving in modern Italy. I would prefer the past lane, if I could ever find it.

    • Jann

      Ha, so right, Sam. Italians love the slow life, especially when it comes to eating, but they turn into speed demons on the road.

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