February 21, 2013
How beautiful to see a lifelong dream coming true!
My friends Diana and John, who hail from Montana, had schemed and dreamed for years about how to make a life in Italy. Then in 2006, they bought a country property in Sicily (about 30 minutes from my village), complete with an army of olive and almond trees, and a roofless farmer’s house. They would arrive on the island for a few months every year to toil away on the house, staying till their money ran out. Then they’d go home to work some more at their jobs.
Italy makes you sharpen your wits. They battled the Italian bureaucracyΒ and eventually nabbed residence permits and a power line to their property.
We drove out to their house last week as afternoon ripened into evening and clouds boiled in the sky. A chill wind rippled the olive leaves as we rattled up a long driveway. Then our eyes feasted on this:

A view of the front of the house. From left to right: Diana; Cynthia, a neighbor originally from Malta; and my husband, happy that he has no olives to take care of…
The house is still raw inside, but all the original stonework will remain untouched: niches, shelves, and horse-tying stones.
Diana and John plan to live full-time in Sicily, raising donkeys and making wine. After years of patience and persistence, their dream is close. Real close.
Complimenti, amici. Auguri!!!!
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What a great achievement! Restoring a home in another country. And what a country! So rustic, so beautiful. Donkeys are the sweetest looking creatures, and I hear they have wonderful natures. I would like a donkey like one has a dog, to take for walks.
You had me on the Title, Dear!
Fabulous photos. When I see these sort of scenes, I always think “Oooo, I’d love to write there. I’d love to read poetry there!
“”raising donkeys and making wine”” This thrills me. The simple life.
I want that life!
Love to you, Sweeeeets. XxxxxxOOOOOO
PS. I ADORE donkeys. O, and WINE! Haaa
Good for them! Nothing beats dreaming over something, working hard to make it happen, then basking in the happiness of achieving your goals! I wish them the best on their new venture — and won’t it be nice having them so close by?
Yes, indeed, Debbie.
Auguri to John and Diana. What a heart warming story. I wish them all the best. Please give us all an update on their progress. Your photos, as always are just so beautiful. Brava, Jann!
OK, Anitre, I’ll plan on a progress report. Thanks as always for your sweet comment!
how wonderful to read about others making the dream a reality!! The house looks incredible and Bravo to them for making this come true x
And, Lisa, I’d like to tell my readers that you’re embarking on an adventure in Italy, too, and your blog is a great one to follow for anyone considering a move to Italy…
So heart-warming and inspiring to see others’ dreams coming true…and to see the gorgeous scenery and exhilarating colours of the land. (and not a flake of snow in sight…heaven!)
No snow, louciao, but there HAS been rain a-plenty!
Loved this! My dream also since I spent a wonderful holiday with my cousins in their small village near Milazzo. I need to start
Saving money. Sicily is in my blood and captured my heart. Thanks for sharing this story
Ciao Maria–follow that dream! π
Jann, such a brilliant house and a beautiful story to match. I wish them every joy in their new life. They kept the faith, as you did, and that’s easier said than done. Grazie! xx
You’re so right, Janine–it’s all about keeping the faith…when sometimes you just want to throw in the towel…
WOHOO!!!! Here’s another “Congratulations to John and Diana!” And how fun to see Cynthia welcoming them to their new home. HA! I love donkey’s–that’s an adventure no mater what country! It will be a fun adventure and I’m looking forward to learning more about them and their “tales” (intended pun). It’s cool seeing people pioneering and I can learn a bit from you guys if you are willing to share! Maybe someday I will be their neighbors….or at least in the same country! Mille grazie, Jann! And once again, great photos!
Hi Dina,
Thanks for your sweet comments here and on Facebook & hope we can connect somehow…
How wonderful to have a dream come true. I just will be planing to visit next year 2014,,,can’t wait.
Hi Jo–thanks for commenting, and 2014 isn’t so far away.
Congratulations to John and Diana! I love how they’re leaving the stone and other fixtures untouched. That’s what I would do. It gives the home such a rustique vibe. I love it! And what a lovely home and drop dead gorgeous view they have! Auguri! I dream of the day when you write a post about my successful move to Italy. I shall invite you over for coffee and pastries and beg you to take photos of my villa in Tuscany. What a beautiful day that will be! π
Well, yeah, Bella! I cannot wait to feature your Tuscan villa on this blog. Hurry hurry.
So very happy to see people dream and then make it happen.
Smiles to them.
Ciao Vicki π Smiles back to you, and thanks for your comment.
Donkeys will be the great helpers of your friends, Jann…! They are lovely animals and they carry the burden of a whole world. Producing wine together with olive oil is a lifetime work actually…Congratulations goes to your American neighbours…!
It sounds like donkeys are something I could use, Cemal… Donkey milk is becoming popular here, so not only do these animals carry burdens, but they are sweet to pet and give you milk….
Hi Tom, glad you dropped by.
Wonderful, I wish them well.
Ciao Nancy, I’ll pass along your message. Thanks!
Raising donkeys sounds so very interesting. They have done a wonderful job with the restoration.
Hi Loree–I think they are very brave to raise donkeys. I would have no idea what to do with one.
I hope they aren’t too far from a briosche and cappucino cafe!
Well, Angelo, you have hit upon the main reason why I need to be in a village. Coffee bars are my life.
WOW, I know it couldn’t have been easy!Complimenti !I have always wanted a donkey……………a tad jealosa here!
You are a Contessa who wants a donkey?
Definitely close! The joys and struggles are all part of the fabulous journey, no? Congratulations to your friends.
Yes, Rosann, to move to Italy, you’ve got to understand that there will be shocks and struggles and setbacks, and you’ve got to learn to enjoy them–or at least laugh about them, or you’d go nuts.
It is beautiful! Congratulations to Diana and John. xxpeggybraswelldesign.com
Hi Peggy–I’ll pass the congrats onto them. Thanks!!
Ciao Jann,
Diana and John must be an incredible couple. I envy and compliment them on there venture, wish them much luck and also wishing it was me.
Just beautiful
Thanks, Catherine–and while I’m at it thank you SO MUCH for your endorsements!
Yes, how very lovely!
Gail, how lovely to get your comment!!!! Sending you a huge hug.
someday we will join you all
We are waiting, Wayne.
How lovely!
THank you for stopping by, Janie.