May 12, 2015
In the half light of evening, a white Range Rover stuffed with white flowers stands ready at the bottom of the church steps. The bride smiles relentlessly for the videographer while her hip friends hang out.
Look ma, no socks! The look is huge with formal wear. (You have to be a tall bony boy to pull it off, though.) Black is chic at weddings down South, worn with earrings shiny as chandeliers. And bow ties reign, much as they did in 2014. Delizioso.
But 2015’s new twist are bow tie colors that will knock your socks off! (And did you notice his buttons? Leave it to gli italiani to get all whimsical with a classic Oxford shirt.)
Then there’s paisley. And pant legs wide as HVAC pipes. Seventies all over again.
Maxi skirts are back too. Hurrah! I’d like to wear one all day everyday in summer. Then I could worry about things more important than my cheese-white legs, veined here and there in blue, like a good Gorgonzola.
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June 15, 2014
I went to a wedding the other night on my church steps. I wasn’t invited, of course, but what I love about Sicilian weddings is that tourists and others can stumble through the church while the wedding is underway and hang around afterwards. Weddings here are fashion shows. (And the bride wasn’t the only one in lace.) Sicilians may be experiencing serious economic woes, but you’d never know it judging by their glad rags.

 Yellow nail polish and gold rings on 6 fingers

 I’m sure her nails and lipstick are red too.

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April 21, 2014
The week-long Easter madness in Sicily is winding down–whew. (Today is Pasquetta, when folks move en masse to the countryside to picnic on yesterday’s leftover lamb and sleep it all off.)
Sicilians get all dolled up for Easter, like Americans used to do about 40 years ago. Fashion trends this season seem to be bow ties and rat’s nest coiffures for young men and super-stiletto-platform shoes for women. (Flowing robes for Jesus, Mary, and priests.)

Hope you had a great Easter/Passover/weekend. xxxxx
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September 28, 2013

How is it that Roman women look so chic and carefree, no matter what they’re doing? Hauling babies, schlepping bags, riding bikes–all at the same time.
I guess it’s that Italian thing called sprezzatura, defined by Castiglione in The Book of the Courtier as “a certain nonchalance, so as to conceal all art and make whatever one does or says appear to be without effort and almost without any thought about it”.
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June 6, 2013
Everyone knows that Italians have a more highly honed sense of aesthetics that the rest of us.
Bella figura and all that. Toenails match belt. Glasses match watch.
But did you know Italians also match their vehicle to its parking spot?

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