Cowboy in Sicily

May 12, 2011

An anonymous, solitary hour.

Lured by the promise of coffee, I step through vacant emptiness.

But what is this?

A dozing cowboy?

What crazy hope lured him here?

Cowboy in Sicily, copyright Jann Huizenga

I sip a strong coffee.

Was he just a dream from that other life of mine?

When I go that way again, he’s gone.


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Paradise Found in Sicily

May 7, 2011


Getting a Beer in Comiso, copyright Jann Huizenga


Salad in Sicily, copyright Jann Huizenga

Olio di Sicilia.

Bottle of Sicilian Olive Oil, copyright Jann HuizengaA sun-struck piazza. (This one happens to be in Comiso).

Central Piazza in Comiso, Southeast Sicily, copyright Jann Huizenga

I’m on my way back to Sicily.

La dolce vita.



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Sicily in Ricotta White

May 1, 2011

Bride and Groom in Sicily, copyright Jann Huizenga

Sicilian in White Glasses, copyright Jann Huizenga

Laundry Hanging in Sicily, copyright Jann Huizenga

White Truck with White Laundry in Sicily, copyright Jann HuizengaPharmacists in Sicily, copyright Jann Huizenga

Handmade Sicilian Curtain, copyright Jann Huizenga


Sicilian Ricotta Desserts at Il Duomo in Ragusa Ibla, copyright Jann Huizenga

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Babes on Bikes in Sicily

April 28, 2011

You have been to Italy.

You know them, intimamente:

The Speeders.


Red-Light Runners.

Wrong-Way Goers.

Horn Blowers.

Ruby-Faced Yellers. (Deficiente!)

Lane Swervers.

Passers on Blind Curves.

There are no rules for driving in Italy, except one: never ever make eye contact with another driver.

Add to the mix the 14-year old scooter driver, barely out of diapers.

Sicilian Kids on Vespas, copyright Jann Huizenga

Fourteen is the age of consent in Italy. It is also the age at which you can hop on a moped and terrorize the other drivers on the road.

Kids on Mopeds in Sicily, copyright Jann HuizengaGirls on Mopeds in Sicily, copyright Jann Huizenga

Kids under 18 are required to wear a helmet, though, when driving a moped. Do they always? Well, see for yourself below how well they comply with this law.

Boy on Bike in Sicily, copyright Jann Huizenga



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Easter Morn in Modica

April 23, 2011 (first posted April 2, 2010)

Easter morn in Modica: The resurrected Christ threads his way through back alleys, seeking, seeking. The black-shrouded Virgin comes forth, searching, searching.

Black Madonna in Modica on Easter Morning, Sicily, copyright Jann Huizenga

High noon: Bells peal. Mobs mill. Families hang from balconies. Mother and Son reunite. Her black mantle slips off to reveal a cape the color of a Sicilian sky. Wooden arms swing open. Doves fly. Statues kiss.

Easter Celebration in Modica, Sicily, copyright Jann Huizenga

12:05: The crowd, warmed by the spectacle and the Easter sun, kisses, too. Then home they go to the family extravaganza to fatten themselves on ricotta ravioli, Easter lamb pies, sweet breads, salads, marzipan lambs, ricotta-rich cassata, and everything else you can think of.

Watching the Easter Celebration in Modica, Sicily, copyright Jann Huizenga

Buona Pasqua!

Have you seen a moving Easter tradition in Sicily or elsewhere?

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