April 28, 2011
You have been to Italy.
You know them, intimamente:
The Speeders.
Red-Light Runners.
Wrong-Way Goers.
Horn Blowers.
Ruby-Faced Yellers. (Deficiente!)
Lane Swervers.
Passers on Blind Curves.
There are no rules for driving in Italy, except one: never ever make eye contact with another driver.
Add to the mix the 14-year old scooter driver, barely out of diapers.
Fourteen is the age of consent in Italy. It is also the age at which you can hop on a moped and terrorize the other drivers on the road.
Kids under 18 are required to wear a helmet, though, when driving a moped. Do they always? Well, see for yourself below how well they comply with this law.