March 4, 2014
Here’s my beloved Piazza Duomo, with the church of San Giorgio perched atop a high staircase, her chest puffed out, proud and lovely. The piazza is our salon–it is here that we celebrate, gossip, soak in the sun, raise a glass of wine, listen to the clamor of the bells.

And now a shot from days gone by. It’s from an old postcard–shot maybe 50-60 years ago? The clock appears to have been in working order back then, but other than that not too much has changed, thank goodness.

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December 19, 2013
Stars burn. Leaves whisper. The village is waiting for Natale, waiting for 2013 to run out.
You can sometimes catch a glimpse of a Christmas tree behind shutters. Boxes of panettone crowd out everything else in mini-markets. Poinsettias shimmer red on the piazza. But otherwise, no hoopla in the village. Just a quiet wait.

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November 19, 2013
Somewhere deep in the heart of Sicily, there’s a moment of pure peace.

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March 29, 2013
The altar boys go first.

Then comes a fallen Jesus.

Brawny young shoulders carry him aloft.
Comes a dolorous Mary.
Out of church we go.
Down a long steep staircase. Balance carefully now.
Down. Down. Down.

Into the crowd.

Past my little Alis market and into the night, thick with funeral song.

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October 21, 2012
When I throw open the shutters in the morning, the cupola is there, like a gift.
The color of sweet latte.
It is moody, changeable, capriciosa.
Click on the photo to advance to the next slide.
Note: Slides of the Cathedral of San Giorgio in Ragusa Ibla.
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All photos and text on BaroqueSicily are Copyright of Jann Huizenga ©2009-2015, unless otherwise noted. Material may not be copied or re-published without written permission. All rights reserved.